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Rant of OmiOmi: Artist, Domestics, Home Office, Garden, X-Mas Tinsel, and Lingere Jawa Boy: Writer, Electronics, Trash Talking, and Beans.Rant of Jawaboy
Going down! Going up!
Rant posted at 10:11:53 PM, May 21st, 2004,
for "Naruto Fanart now-Comic later".
Rant posted at 9:18:08 PM, May 12th, 2004,
for "On Sale Now! #5 - Anal Tampons!".

Well, I have important and sad and jubilant news.

For those who were not able to see the most recent comic, and I know there were a few, including me (at least, when I tried to access the page), please go ahead and scroll back a comic. Its there. I promise. : )

Since the server we've been using has been updating recently, many problems have occured. Earlier in the week, the server decided that it didn't like our passwords anymore and therefore, locked us out of the system. Boo hoo. Luckily, we got new passwords.

But we're moving to Keenspace. SO HAH. Yes, we're finally moving onto a more stable server that is actually built and sustained for webcomics alone. I think. I hope that everyone is able to join us in the move and that it goes smoothly. If you've emailed me, I, ten to one, haven't received it due to the server malfunction. I apologize. Its been long and daunting.

I hope that, at least, some Naruto fanart will console everyone for the lack of updates recently. We are trying muchly hard.

This isn't the Jawa.

This is Basil. And I'm holding it down. I'm taking no prisoners. And no you may not use the restroom. The time for that is long past due. Much like your taxes.


This On Sale Now! Is based upon two major things. The Primary Thing would be Rejected, a totally awesome film made by Don Hertzfeldt and you can out much more about it and other rockin' films here. The Secondary Thing would be Nolan, who thought making anal tampons would be a wildly successful hit in Hollywood and has now set off on his journey to become a child film star at the tender age of 21. However, I could be wrong about that.

I suppose that a possible Third Thing would be me actually making this Thing. I hear actually making something happen from an idea into the strange fathoms of reality is pretty important. But I'll let you be the judge of that. But there is one Thing that the Judge has already passed ruling on, and is simply that Reggie is a wonderful man. If you don't know Reggie is, you should. Go educate yourself. After Acen, there will be more news standing by.

Yeah, Jawa and I shall be heading (with Umitsu in tow) to Acen this weekend. Omi has already been prepped with scripty goodness, so your regular CC transmission will not be interrupted. Though it would be nice if I could have my neat image to upload rants with. If someone could bug Omi, like in the forum that would be spectacular.

Oh, and 4Kids got Naruto. But you probably already knew that.
This page was written by Jawaboy and all art was done by Omi it was desgined by teh Basil and Coded by Bob. Counter Culture and all the wordy things and arty things associated with it are (c)Jawaboy and Omi 2003 - so hands off yo.
It is hosted on Keenspace, a network dedicated to hosting webcomics for free.